
We hope you have been inspired while reading about the A Step Ahead experience. If you have been redirected here from Wilderness Africa, you have come to the right place. We changed our name to A Step Ahead in 2008 when we moved our office to Spain.

To start your journey simply complete the following form.

This will enable us to begin designing and planning a journey for you, if that is your request. If you are enquiring about a custom safari we will not share your contact details with anyone else at this stage, although we may require to share your name with third parties (such as accommodation providers and local operators), unless you request otherwise. More information on how your data is kept by us and your privacy can be read on our Privacy statement page.

We will be in touch with you shortly.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk * are required.

Please ensure the address is correct, so that we can reach you. At this stage we will not share this email with any third party, unless you give us explicit permission.
Please ensure the phone number is correct, so that we can reach you. We will not share your phone number with any third party, unless you request us to do so, or give us permission.
This is optional, but necessary if you would like us to mail you information or a brochure, or to inform you if we plan a marketing tour near your area. We will keep this information in confidence and will not share this with a third party without your permission.
This helps us know your time zone and likely language needs.
Please indicate your planned arrival in the destination (if known), not your date of departure from your home country
Please indicate your planned departure date from the destination (if known), not your date of arrival back in your home country.
If you have been on a similar journey in the past, please briefly describe where and what you enjoyed most about it. This will help us design and tailor a journey that you will enjoy.
We specialise in custom journeys and do not join people together. Please indicate how many there will be in your group. This helps us work out availability in accommodations and calculate the cost of your journey.
Consider interests, and age range - especially if there will be children, and what level of luxury you would like (or a budget). Please note that the costs of our custom journeys are most likely to be upwards of US $900 per person per day.
You are giving us permission to store and use this information. This is necessary for us to begin research on a journey or safari for you. You may request to see this data or for us to delete it, provided we are not obliged to hold on to it by law.
You may request to be automatically added to our mailing list. We normally send emails once every 2 or 3 months about wildlife sightings, new camps or areas, and our guides' marketing trips to Europe or America. Once subscribed you may unsubscribe at any time. There is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email sent.